Monday, May 17, 2010

Made you a map, Mom

That's how he greeted me when I walked up to his class at the carpool line to pick him up. He handed it to me and I smiled. I said "That's really neat, A. Where will this map get me?". He said "I am not sure Mom. I'm still working on that. Right now it is just a map."

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Diversity in art

I see a bit of a theme coming out of art class this year. I'm honestly not sure if it is intentional, all I really know for sure is that Aiden really enjoys art class. I tend to obsess over whether math, reading, science, spelling and writing are going as they should be, and I tend to be pretty a-ok with how art class rolls. I just enjoy what I get home, and Aiden enjoys making it.


Tuesday, May 4, 2010

I Native American Art

The meaning is "how the sun can really help earth". Made in art class in school in early April.
